Gosoor Agreement

Gosoor Company (formerly Al-Nasr Export and Import), affiliated to the Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transport – one of the companies of the Ministry of Public Business Sector signed a contract with Marine and Engineering Service Company (MESCO) to provide consolidated cargo services (LCL).

Mr. Hisham Tawfiq, Minister of Public Business Sector, who witnessed the signing explained that these services come within the framework of the new business model of “Gosoor” company to provide an integrated package of brokerage, marketing, transportation, and logistics services, which helps in opening new and non-traditional markets for the Egyptian product in various countries of the world, as it is a key, effective and strategic partner of the Egyptian exporter to increase the permeability of Egyptian products.

“Gosoor” is preparing to start working in its first 5 overseas centers in China, the United Arab Emirates, Cameroon, Ghana, and France in late February 2022, among 16 branches around the world, using its electronic platform with a B2B system.

The ministry launched the electronic catalog in June 2021 to market and promote Egyptian products from the promising sectors in all global markets.

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